Friday, February 3, 2012

Skits for the Glory of God

If you are a church member or even if you are simply related to the church or saw some young people on the street that were performing skits, you probably know the power of visual presentation of the topic to people. It's easier to show something one time than say or write it 100 of times. Indeed, even Jesus himself was explaining things in parables because people are not able to consume the truth in normal words. God has created the person by His image, means - creative. Person in young age, in childhood is tend to receive information better if he/she is shown an example, and older people are not much different except, they buried their performance skills behind "civilized way of communication", which strangely also includes some performance in form of various PowerPoint presentations. Anyway, if you are Christian and you are familiar with the power of theatrical performance, you can use this type of presentation of the Gospel to those with hardened hearts. To get ideas for your skits is not difficult either, check the site and see the available ideas. You can choose various topics like kids, evangelism, church, youth and other events or you can use search there. All of it will help you a lot in organizing your evangelistic concert on the street or church performance, bringing the Message to saved ones.

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